
The home page of the descendants of
Chonon and Khasia Berman

Interested in the Berman Family History?

Click here
to download a copy of the book "This Is Us"

The Berman Family History
by Eugene B. Berman, Sr.

Click here to examine more than 500 Berman family photographs

and other historical documents on Flickr

Want to watch a rough cut of a three minute music video inspired by
"This Is Us" - The Berman Family History and Genealogy?

Click here for an .mp4 file

Older Browser?
Click here for a .mov file

Berman Family Genealogy:
Learn From Your History or be Doomed to Repeat It!

We maintain a terrific Berman Family tree at Ancestry.com, which you may want to explore.
Howver, to address family member's privacy converns, access is by invitation only.
If you are interested, please send Eugene an email and
he will send you an invitation to view the site.

Click here to download an early handwritten Berman Family History by Bessie Levitz Barkan

Click here to download a .pdf file the original Chonon Berman Family research Reports (Nos .1-7)
commissioned for the Berman Family and prepared by the noted genealogy researcher, Ted Gostin.


Stay in Touch!
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The Berman Family Announcer.

Current Issue:


Recent Issues


The BFA Archives

BFA 8-10-2010
BFA 2-09-2010
BFA 1-31-2010
BFA 1 -17-2010
BFA 5-26-2009
BFA 4-09-2009
BFA 12-16-2008

Original Berman Family Announcers from 1949 -1955
Original Berman Family Announcers from 1955 - 1958

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Questions? Comments? Corrections? Suggestions? Updates?
Contact Gene Berman by Email today


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